Safety & Security

Peace of mind, home or away… check in on things from wherever you are in the world.

We understand that every household has unique needs and concerns when it comes to security. That's why our systems are designed to be flexible and customisable, ensuring that you have control over what matters most to you.

Receive alerts when someone enters the house, the garage door is left open, or a leak is detected in the basement.

Safety & Security

Smart security systems

As elegant as it is effortless, arm or disarm your security system – or even receive immediate emergency assistance – directly from an intuitive user interface on a touchscreen, TV or mobile device. And on your way out, simply press ‘Away’ to set the alarm, engage the cameras and lock all doors.

Intelligent security puts peace of mind at your fingertips so you can rest assured that all is safe.

Call us now on 0845 388 1964

Call us today on 0845 388 1964

for more information or to arrange a free home consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Safety & Security

A smart home security system is an interconnected network of devices that monitor and control security aspects of your home. This can include things like security cameras, door and window sensors, motion detectors, and smart locks, all of which can be controlled remotely through a smartphone or other device.

Smart home security systems work by connecting various security devices to a central hub. This hub communicates with each device and can send alerts to your smartphone or other device if it detects any unusual activity.

Yes, one of the key benefits of a smart home security system is the ability to monitor your home from anywhere in the world. As long as you have an internet connection, you can view live camera feeds, check the status of doors and windows, and receive alerts about any security incidents.

Depending on your system and settings, you can receive alerts for a variety of security-related events. This could include when someone enters your house, if a door or window is left open, if motion is detected in a certain area, or if a leak or fire is detected.

Absolutely! Many smart home security systems can be integrated with other smart home devices, such as lights, thermostats, and voice assistants. This allows you to create a fully interconnected smart home ecosystem.

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